Friday, August 21, 2020

The K??? to a ??w?rful Linkedin ?r?fil?

The K??? to a ??w?rful Linkedin ?r?fil? Im?gin? a ?itu?ti?n wh?r? ??u ??uld permanently run an ?d in the world’s m??t ???ul?r n?w?????r ??lling th? b??t ?f yourself such th?t ?n??n? anywhere in world with any ????rtunit?, whether it is a job ?ff?r, a ??n?ulting gig, ?r a business d??l or ?r?????l could find ?nd ??nt??t ??u.W?ll; Stop imagining ?nd w?l??m? to LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a v?r? uni?u? ?l?tf?rm, it i? a bu?in??? ?nd ?m?l??m?nt oriented social n?tw?rking ??rvi?? th?t run? vi? w?b?it?? ?nd m?bil? apps.It i? m??tl? u??d f?r ?r?f???i?n?l networking  which in?ludes ?m?l???r? ???ting j?b openings and job seekers ??nding th?ir CV?. Link?dIn i?n’t ju?t ?n?th?r F???b??k, it focus ?n ??ur ?r?f???i?n?l lif?.Whether you are job hunting, gathering leads or networking in your industry, having a professional eye catching LinkedIn profile is an excellent idea to make sure you can be found by the right people at the right time.According to 94% of recruiters use LinkedIn to vet candidates making it more likely for you to get that job if you have an eye catching LinkedIn profile.Also according to a survey of 1,848 of staffing professional by Bullhorn, a Boston company that makes technology products for employers and recruiters, reported that 97.3% of them used LinkedIn as a recruiting tool in 2012, an increase from 94% in 2011.IM??RT?N?? ?F HAVING A LINKEDIN PROFILE It’? not ju?t important t? h?v? a Link?dIn profile, it? important ??u h?v? a kill?r Link?dIn ?r?fil?.In this social networking era, employers visit social media pages and websites of potential employees, so it is important that when they visit your linkedin account, your profile should make them want to hire you.Whil? your Facebook ??g? ?h?w? you are as a l?ving d?d wh? ?l??? beach b?ll with his kid?, your Link?dIn ??g? should ?h?w how incredible you ?r? at your profession.These are a few reasons you should have a professional looking LinkedIn profile.You would look current with technological trendsFirst of all, having a LinkedIn pr ofile that l??k? professional ?h?w? competence ?nd ?r??t?? the id?? th?t you ?r? current with t??hn?l?gi??l tr?nd? and ?v?luti?n.It ??nfirm? m?t??h?ri??ll? th?t you are n?t u?ing a fli? ?h?n? in a g?n?r?ti?n of touch screen smart phones.If after ?n interview or ?v?n just a casual meeting with a ?r?????tiv? employer or bu?in??? ??rtn?r ?nd h? tri?? t? connect with ??u ?n Link?dIn, only t? find ?ut that ??ur profile i? non-existent, it would show a lack ?f ??m??t?n?? ?nd that w?uld ?r?b?bl? be the l??t ??u would hear fr?m him.A professional looking LinkedIn account creates a good first im?r???i?n?Y?ur LinkedIn profile i? typically the fir?t im?r???i?n th?t a business contact m?? have with ??u.Y?u w?nt to ?ut your b??t foot f?rw?rd. You should make sure that he likes what he sees.Link?dIn profiles g?n?r?ll? r?nk higher ?n Google ???r?h??LinkedIn ranks higher on google searches, therefore it is a great way to be found online. You would want to look as professional as possible when they click on your profile.A professional looking profile goes a long way to help you m?n?g? ??ur ?r?f???i?n?l brandLinkedIn ?r?vid?? ?n? ?f th? b??t ????rtuniti?? to increase ??ur vi?ibilit? ?nd credibility, helping you to manage your professional brand.It gives you an avenue to develop a thr??-dim?n?i?n?l vi?w that highlight? ??ur ?kill? and ?biliti??.Just like most social networks, it gives you the opportunity to upload videos and images of your skills but in a more professional sense.LinkedIn accounts g?n?r?t? l??d?Believe it ?r n?t, ??ur Link?dIn profile can g?n?r?t? l??d? t? ??ur bu?in???.P???l? ?r? n? l?ng?r ?i?king u? ?h?n? b??k? to search f?r m?bil? numb?r?; th?? ???r?h ?nlin? f?r th? b??t bu?in??? ?r ??r??n? t? ?r?vid? th?m with the ??rvi??? th?? desire.If ??ur LinkedIn profile i? ?????ling t? them, th?? will t?k? th? n?xt step ?nd ??nt??t you. If th? ?r?fil? i? b?d, th?? w?uld move t? th? next ??r??n ?n th? li?t.K??? in mind th?t ??ur Link?dIn ?r?fil? should always b? a work i n progress. U?d?t? it regularly.THE ?R???R?TI?N: THING? T? DO B?F?R? ??U EVEN ?IGN U? ON LINKEDINA? the w?rk world ??ntinu?? t? embrace th? virtu?l world, ??ur Link?dIn profile is ??u t? th??? wh? d?n’t kn?w ??u. S? it’? w?rth ???nding some ?ff?rt t? g?t it int? ?h???.It is b??t t? create ?r u?d?t? ??ur ?r?fil? as one big ?r?j??t â€" m?king it ???ur?t?, r?l?v?nt, and compelling ?ll at ?n??.So, b?f?r? ??u l?g on t? Link?dIn, th?r? ?r? some thing? you need t? do.Collect these ?tuff ?r ?t l???t h?v? th?m r??d? before ??u ?ign u?:Any current v?r?i?n? ?f your bio th?t ??u haveYour r??um? ?r CV with ??ur employment hi?t?r? ?nd allA high-quality portrait, if ??u d?n’t have ?n?, get oneTh?n go ?h??d to create these li?t?:The 10 ?kill? ??u want t? b? kn?wn for (in?lud? a good ??mbin?ti?n ?f h?rd skills, ?u?h as d?t? ?n?l??i? ?nd 3D design ????i?li?t, ?nd soft skills, ?u?h ?? relationship building and g??d with people)K??w?rd? f?r whi?h ??u want t? b? kn?wn (th??? are the w?rd? ????l? w ?uld u?? to find ??u with?ut mu?h hassle). Th??? k??w?rd? may be th? ??m?/?imil?r t? th??? in th? list above or th?? ??uld be ?dditi?n?l w?rd?. F?r ?x?m?l? Researcher or Data AnalystOn?? ??u have these thing? r??d?, ??u ?r? g??d t? sign u?.Th? r????n why thi? i? im??rt?nt t? d? fir?t is to make sure ??u ?r? ?r???r?d with those thing? th?t ??u shouldn’t wip u? in a moment.Some of th??? li?t? r??uir? in-depth thinking, your picture section would require a ?r?f???i?n?l ?h?t?gr??h?r.S? ??u d?n’t log on only t? be completely overwhelmed with how much information you are required to provide.If that happens, you would most probably abandon the profile or you are then forced to compromise on the quality of your profile.Let’s ??? for instance you had no id?? ??u w?uld h?v? t? u?l??d a head shot, so you didn’t h?v? ?n? and then in th? moment ??u d??id?d t? ?ut th? ?nl? picture ??u h?v? whi?h is that ?f you and ??ur buddi?? drinking a bear, h??ing th?t b?f?r? anybody ???? it, ??u would have ?h?ng?d it.That’s a no no.ST??? TO ?R??TING A ??W?RFUL LINKEDIN ?R?FIL? FOR ATTRACTING RECRUITERS AND CUSTOMERS 1. Y?ur ?i?tur?The im?g? ??u choose for your ?h?t? i? ?n? ?f th? m??t important elements on Link?dIn.It needs to be ?ng?ging, w?rm ?nd essentially ???tur? th? ????n?? of wh? you ?r? ?? a ??r??n, and as a brand th?t represents ??ur ??m??n?.Th? ?i?tur? ?h?uld be of ??ur face. Not your d?g ?r a very cute ??t. Chose a simple h??d?h?t where ??u ?r? looking ?tr?ight ahead. N? selfies ?l????.It? well w?rth th? money t? have a professional portrait taken.R?m?mb?r, it d???nt h?v? t? b? b?ring ?r ?rtifi?i?l. You dont h?v? t? wear bu?in??? ?uit? if th?t? n?t ??ur ?t?l?.But ??u need t? look ?r?f???i?n?l ?nd pleasant. Smile, ??u w?nt t? look d???nd?bl? ?nd tru?tw?rth?. Pl???? ?v?id ??x?, ?uirk? ?r intimid?ting ?x?r???i?n?.The ?ld adage ?f ????l? r?m?mb?ring faces more th?n n?m?? i? tru?.Thi? is also wh? one n??d? t? see ??ur f??? and not some ?th?r part ?f ??ur b?d? or somethin g else ?ntir?l?.F?r instance, a lab chemist ?h?uld still use a h??d?h?t of him ?r h?r??lf and n?t a ?h?t? of / him ?r herself mixing ?h?mi??l? in th? lab ?r a ?i?tur? ?f a test tub? with some ?r?ng? ?h?mi??l in it.Pictures th?t ?tt??t to skill or talent ??n b? uploaded ?l??wh?r? ?n ??ur profile, ?l?ng with tr?ining vid??? ?nd ?r???nt?ti?n materials, but not on your profile image.Statistics according to LinkedIn show that profiles with a photo receive 21 times more profile views and 36 times more messages, so it is important to add a nice headshot.Key notes: Upload only a picture that looks professional. A headshot that shows you are ?r?f???i?n?l, pleasant and tru?tw?rth?.2. Y?ur h??dlin?Th? h??dlin? in your Link?dIn ?r?fil? i? th? line ?f text th?t ?????r? und?r ??ur n?m? ?nd will appear in ???r?h r??ult? when someone googles ??ur n?m?.Thi? i? lik? ??ur ‘tagline’ ?r ?umm?r? ?f wh?t you d?, ?nd wh? ??u d? it for.You h?v? 120 ?h?r??t?r? t? describe t? th? w?rld what ??u d?.M?n? pe ople ju?t put th?ir ?ffi?i?l job title. Whi?h is ?n? w?? to go… h?w?v?r, ??u can r??ll? u?? the ???t?m to your advantage here.I w?uld recommend ??u u?? the keyword th?t ??ur prospective client w?uld u?? when ???r?hing for ??u ?nlin?. Ch???? d???ri?tiv? ?nd compelling k??w?rd? that m?k?s ??u ?? m?rk?t?bl? ?? possible, whi?h in turn h?l?? you g?t f?und b? th? right people.R?m?mb?r, Link?dIn i? a ?r?f???i?n?l platform, n?t ??ur F???b??k ??g?. Y?u don’t h?v? to b? ???l ?nd ??x?, try ?m?rt ?nd v?r? professional.It doesn’t hurt t? be ???l though, but be smart and ?r?f???i?n?l fir?t.Examples ?f effective headlines are R??ruit?r, HR, T?l?nt Management Ex??rt or Br?nd Marketing, PR, C?mmuni??ti?n? Pr?f???i?n?l. C?m?? in h?nd? especially if ??u ?r? currently l??king f?r w?rk.Key notes: Your headline describes what you do, make sure they are clear and precise. It is advisable to use keywords to make them more search engine optimization friendly.3. Your ?umm?r?LinkedIns Summary section i? th? b??t part ?f its 2012 u?gr?d?.Y?u ??n in?lud? high-resolution ?h?t??, an inf?gr??hi? ?f your ?x??ri?n??, ?r a video ?f a presentation you d?liv?r?d.It i? worth it t? ?ut in the ?ff?rt in writing a uni?u? ?nd ???tiv?ting summary. Th? ?umm?r? is what m?k?? Link?dIn b?tt?r than a resume: it’? a ?l??? wh?r? you can turn ??ur unique ?du??ti?n?l and ?r?f???i?n?l ?x??ri?n?? into a compelling n?rr?tiv? f?r ?m?l???r?.Y?u can think ?f it ?? your 60-????nd ??mm?r?i?l. Th??? are th? fir?t ??nt?n??? people read, and ??u h?v? a very ?h?rt tim? to gr?b the r??d?r? ?tt?nti?n and m?k? th?m w?nt to read m?r?.Th?r? are several w??? to writ? a g??d Summary. It ??uld b? a ????/???t? ?f your r??um?? ?umm?r? section. Or it ??uld r??d m?r? lik? ??ur bi?.Y?u ??uld t?k? a core ??m??t?n?i?? ???r???h ?nd li?t four ?r fiv? k?? skills you bring t? th? t?bl?.Y?u ??uld also take an ????m?li?hm?nt? ???r???h ?nd list th? thr?? or four big r??ult? ??u have ??hi?v?d on b?h?lf ?f ??ur ???t ?m?l???r? ?r clients. Thi? has t? b? m???ur?bl? ????m?li?hm?nt? too.Or you could get ?uit? ?r??tiv? ?nd pair an interesting ?t?r? with a ???ti?n ??ll?d wh?t ??u w?nt find ?n m? r??um?.How far ??u ??n g? in t?rm? ?f creativity d???nd? t? ??m? extent ?n ??ur indu?tr?, as some are more tr?diti?n?l th?n others.In ?n? ?v?nt, ?t th? end of thi? section, th? reader mu?t have a strong id?? ?f wh? you ?r? ?nd h?w you ?x??rti?? i? important. End with a C?ll t? A?ti?n (CTA). F?r in?t?n??, Pl???? reach ?ut t? discuss business ?nd ????rtuniti?? in info m?rk?ting.Tell r??ruit?r? wh?t ??u l?v? to do, wh?t you do n?w and where ??u w?nt t? g? next.If ??u’r? l??king f?r a gr??hi? design j?b, say, “I ?m a collaborative, outside-the-box think?r who l?v?? u?ing d??ign t? m?k? digital ?r?du?t? ??m? ?liv? f?r u??r?.”Include highlight? from your college ?x??ri?n??, such ?? specialized courses ??u took, sports ??u ?x??ll?d in ?r ?lub? ??u l?d. F?rm?t ??ur ?umm?r? into a f?w ?h?rt paragraphs to m?k? it more readable.Most im portantly, ?x??rt? r???mm?nd ??u add a ???ti?n at th? bottom of ??ur summary called “Specialties”.Employers search f?r ??t?nti?l j?b ??ndid?t?? ?n Link?dIn using keywords specific t? th? indu?tr? of int?r??t. Find k??w?rd? ??ur ?r?????tiv? ?m?l???r? might search f?r in j?b d???ri?ti?n?, on recruiters’ own ?r?fil? and on th? ?r?fil?? of ??ndid?t?? ?imil?r t? ??ur?.If ??u work in marketing, th? b?tt?m ?f ??ur ?umm?r? ??uld r??d: “Specialties: digit?l marketing, ???i?l m?di? marketing, ?nd data analysis”.H?r? are a few other ti?? f?r ?r??ting a summary th?t r??ll? grabs ?tt?nti?n.Writ? in the first ??r??n A l?t of ????l? writ? their Link?dIn ?umm?r? in the third ??r??n, meaning th?t th?? writ? about th?m??lv?? ?? if th?? were someone else. For instance:Mr Daniel B?n? i? a f?rm?r HR ?x??utiv?, ?r?f???i?n?l r??um? writer ?nd Pr??id?nt ?f Y?ll?w Sk? R??um??. Pri?r to ?t?rting his bu?in???, D?n w?? … I gu??? they d? thi? because th?? h?v? seen professional bi?? writt?n lik? tha t ?nd it ??und? lik? th?t’? the w?? it should b? written. But this t??? of bi? d???n’t w?rk w?ll ?n Link?dIn f?r a f?w reasons.Fir?t, communication on th? web h?? ?lw??? b??n more informal th?n print ??mmuni??ti?n.S???nd, ?v?r??n? r??ding ??ur Link?dIn ?r?fil? knows ??u wr?t? it yourself unlik? a ?r?f???i?n?l bi? whi?h i? generally written f?r ??u by ??m??n? ?t your company.   Th?r?f?r?, it l??k? a littl? ?dd to writ? ?b?ut ??ur??lf in th? third ??r??n.L??tl?, third-??r??n ?umm?ri?? put a wall between you ?nd th? reader at th? v?r? time you w?nt t? m?k? a ??nn??ti?n. Th? r??d?r doesn’t f??l lik? ??u are t?lking to him, r?th?r h? f??l? like ??m??n? else i? talking ?b?ut you to him.S? in?t??d of thi?:Mr Daniel B?n? is a f?rm?r HR executive, ?r?f???i?n?l resume writ?r and Pr??id?nt ?f Blu? Sky R??um??. Prior t? starting hi? bu?in???, Dan was … Y?ur bi? should say:I ?m a f?rm?r HR executive, ?r?f???i?n?l r??um? writ?r and Pr??id?nt of Blu? Sky R??um??. Prior t? starting m? busin ess, I was… F?r quick ?nd ???? LinkedIn summary templates t? f?ll?w, ?li?k h?r?C?mmuni??t? ??m? ?f your w?rk ?t?l? ?nd ??r??n?lit? It’? important to t?ll ?r?????tiv? clients ?r ?m?l???r? a littl? bit about the w?? ??u work.Fir?t, it helps ??mmuni??t? your ?tr?ngth?, ?nd ????nd, it inj??t? a little bit ?f ??r??n?lit? int? ??ur ?r?fil?.So, f?r example, you might ???, “I d? m? best w?rk when I’m challenged ?nd th?n left t? figur? ?ut th? ??luti?n on m? ?wn” ?r “??ll??gu?? d???rib? m? l??d?r?hi? ?t?l? ?? high-?n?rg? and ?ntr??r?n?uri?l. If th?r? i? a new and b?tt?r w?? t? d? ??m?thing, I find it, and d? it.”In?lud? r??ult?/achievements in your LinkedIn ?umm?r? M?n? ????l? think th?? ?h?uld ??v? r??ult? f?r the j?b d???ri?ti?n section ?f the profile, but it’s v?r? ?ff??tiv? t? in?lud? th?m in ??ur ?umm?r? b???u?? some r??ruit?r? w?n’t r??d ??ur whole ?r?fil?.Think of the Link?dIn summary as a snapshot ?f ??ur key selling ??int? and ???t r??ult? ?r? ?n? of the m??t effec tive ??lling points one can have.If ??u d?n’t want your ?urr?nt ?m?l???r to know ??u’r? l??king f?r a new job since he has access to your profile, ??u may n?t w?nt t? sound ?v?rl? ??lf-?r?m?ti?n?l in ??ur ?umm?r?.Thi? i? ???? t? ?v?id.Simply ?hr??? ??ur results ?? a t??m ?ff?rt, for instance “since joining my ?r???nt company (XYZ), m? t??m h?? in?r????d ??l?? by 12% ?r “I ?m ?r?ud to h?v? contributed t? in?r???ing ?r?du?tivit? by 5% ?v?r th? ?ri?r ???r” ?r soften th? im???t b? saying something like “I ?m thrilled t? have b??n given the ?h?n?? t? im?r?v? system reliability b? 25% in th? fir?t ???r.”However you d? it, ?h???ing a few select results t? emphasize will r??ll? ?tr?ngth?n the im???t of your ?umm?r?.Ex?r??? ????i?n f?r ??ur current/last j?b All r??ruit?r? ?nd ?m?l???r? w?nt t? hir? people wh? are enthusiastic about th?ir w?rk.Ev?n if ??u hate ??ur j?b ?nd ??ur boss, ??u mu?t not ?h?w it!In?t??d, d???rib? the thing? ??u like about your current ???iti?n (?r, ??uâ €™r? unemployed, d???rib? th? things ??u ?nj???d about ??ur last job).You might w?rr? that if you ??und happy recruiters w?n’t ??nt??t ??u, but thi? i? n?t tru?.In fact, th??’ll be m?r? likely to g?t in t?u?h because they love to ‘poach’ good employee’s ?w?? fr?m other ??m??ni??. Key notes: This is usually the place where you get to sell yourself, make it sound as compelling as possible. Write in the first person and include your achievements. Also remember to use your keywords in this section.4. Your ?x??ri?n??Thi? is th? body of your ?r?fil?.Just lik? ?n a tr?diti?n?l r??um?, thi? part i? wh?r? ??u really ?h?w???? ??ur ?x??ri?n???, ?x??rti??, and skills.Y?u ?dd wh?r? ??u h?v? w?rk?d, f?r h?w long, ?nd th? roles you ?l???d in th? gr?wth ?f th? ??m??n?. In?lud? your current ???iti?n ?nd ?t l???t tw? ?th?r ???iti?n?.Th?r? are two b??i? ways to h?ndl? thi? ???ti?n:Ad??t it fr?m ??ur r??um?; ??u can ????/???t? the r?l?v?nt j?b d???ri?ti?n? ?nd ????m?li?hm?nt? f?r each positio n.If ??u ?r? uncomfortable li?ting too mu?h inf?rm?ti?n under ????ifi? employers, you ??n simply ?dd the n?m? of employer, your ???iti?n, d?t??, k??? th? r??t bl?nk, ?nd in?lud? in th? Summary a m?r? general skills-based ?x??ri?n?? piece.According to statistics from Creig’s company DMR, LinkedIn members with at least 5 skills listed on their profile receive 17 times more profile views.Key notes: This is where you showcase your skills and experience. The kind of work you’ve done in the past and even what you achieved while working there.5. K??w?rd? ?nd SEOIn?lud? keywords ?v?r?wh?r?, ?????i?ll? in the Summary ?nd Ex??ri?n?? sections for search ?ngin? optimization (SEO) ?ur?????.When r??ruit?r? u?? LinkedIn, th?? u?? industry-specific k??w?rd?. Th??? ?r? the k??w?rd? th?t will h?l? ??u ?h?w up in their search results within LinkedIn.W??? to figure ?ut ??ur keywords: Wh?t w?rd? and phrases might people in your t?rg?t m?rk?t use t? ???r?h for someone with your b??kgr?und, experience , ?nd service ?ff?ring? G? to the C?r??r? ??g? of some potential employers ??u are int?r??t?d in, and ?i?k ??mm?n k??w?rd? ?r?und th?t job ???t ?nd indu?tr?.Key notes: These are words that potential employees will type into the search engine, make sure to use the keywords in you line of profession so as to be easily found.6. R???mm?nd?ti?n?This is ?n? area wh?r? ????l? ???il? f?ll thr?ugh th? ?r??k?. Y?t it is ?n? ?f the m??t v?lu?bl? t??l? in building u? ??ur ?r?dibilit? in the j?b m?rk?t?l???.Y?u have to b? proactive ?b?ut ??king f?r r???mm?nd?ti?n?, f?ll?wing u?, ?nd ?t??ing ?n t?? ?f it.R???mm?nd?ti?n? ??n b? fr?m ?n??n?: bosses, colleagues, mentors ?nd mentees, h???? ?li?nt?, ?r ?n??n? who h?? collaborated with ??u ?nd b?n?fit?d fr?m ??ur ?kill? ?r ?dvi?? in th? ???t.A well-crafted r???mm?nd?ti?n th?t i? genuinely gl?wing fr?m a ???r i? b?tt?r than a few g?n?ri? ??nt?n??? from a high-l?v?l managing dir??t?r.Our b??t ?dvi?? i? to have a ?tr?t?g?. A?k ???h ??r??n to speak t? ??rt i?ul?r ?kill? ?r highlight ??rt?in experiences with as mu?h detail ?? ????ibl?.H?l? ?ut ??ur r???mm?nd?r? b? giving them ?? mu?h d?t?il? ?? ????ibl?.F?r ?x?m?l?, if you want them to highlight ??ur leadership ?kill?, remind th?m ?f two or thr?? in?t?n??? wh?n you skilfully l?d a project ?r situations wh?r? ??u showed ?x???ti?n?l leadership ?u?liti?? ?nd salvaged a ?r?j??t th?t w?? f?rm?ll? mi?h?ndl?d b? ??m??n? ?l??.Finally, ?n?ur? that the ?um t?t?l of your recommendations ??v?r? ?ll your ?kill? ?nd ?x??ri?n???, ?nd th?t th? ??nt?nt in th?m ?dd up (or ?t l???t d??? not ??ntr?di?t) with wh?t ??u wr?t? about yourself.Always thank ??ur r???mm?nd?r? ?nd ?ff?r t? recommend th?m t??. In f??t, go ?n? step furth?r ?nd ??nd ?l?ng a dr?ft of a potential recommendation.Key notes: Recommendations are important because it shows some one is vouching for you. Make sure that your recommendations shows you in a good light. You can help by making an outline of how you want it to look and offer that o utline to your recommender.7. Gr?u?? ?nd ?????i?ti?n?Groups ?r? a way to build r?l?ti?n?hi?? and network with people wh? ?r? d?ing similar w?rk ?r h?v? ?imil?r int?r??t? ?? you. Th?r? are ?b?ut 1.3 million groups on Link?dIn t? choose from.J?in ?? m?n? r?l?v?nt gr?u?? as ??u can ?nd contribute to th? conversation. A? a ?t?rt, j?in the ?lumni gr?u?? for where ??u w?nt t? ??h??l and ?n? indu?tr? ?????i?ti?n gr?u?? ??rtin?nt to your line ?f w?rk.When ??u j?in the di??u??i?n, tr? t? l?nd your ?x??rti?? t? b?n?fit th? ??nv?r??ti?n ?nd t? ?h?w your interest and your v?lu?. M?k? ?ur? t? create a g??d impression. It’? like advertising ??ur??lf with?ut calling it ?n ?dv?rt.Statistically, there is a 21% rate of increase in mail Response if you and the recipient share the same group with the sender.Key notes: Make sure to join groups related to your profession and make contributions. Someone might invite you for an interview just for the type of contribution you made.8. En?ur? ??u h?v? a Ful l? C?m?l?t?d Pr?fil?LinkedIn ???? ??ur ?r?fil? will ?????r 40 times m?r? in ???r?h r??ult? if it i? ??m?l?t?.In ?th?r words, ??u will be ???n t? 40 times m?r? ????rtuniti?? if ??u ??m?l?t?l? ??m?l?t? ??ur ?r?fil?. So ?l???? m?k? sure you ??m?l?t? ??ur ?r?fil?. Thi? i? wh?t LinkedIn defines as a profile whi?h i? 100% complete:Y?ur indu?tr? ?nd locationAn u?-t?-d?t? ?urr?nt ???iti?n (with a d???ri?ti?n)Tw? ???t ???iti?n?Y?ur educationY?ur ?kill? (minimum ?f 3)A ?r?fil? ?h?t?At least 50 connectionsKey notes: Make sure you complete the profile, it ranks higher on the search engine if it’s a 100% complete.EXAMPLES ?F HIGHL? IM???TFUL LINK?DIN PROFILES A? ??u consider to update or create a LinkedIn ?r?fil? that grabs attention, h?r? ?r? thr?? Link?dIn profiles to reference, with highlight? as t? wh? th?? stand ?ut. Follow th? links b?l?wKay: View im?g?? here and herePaul: Vi?w im?g?s h?r? and hereMark: Vi?w images here and hereTh? right words can b? incredibly effective. Kay, Paul and M ark w??t?d no ink in g?tting th?ir message ??r???, and they do it in l??? th?n 250 w?rd?.All three ended with a CTA (??ll to ??ti?n). Endearing, engaging, smart, driven; their personalities leap ?ff the ??g?. I’m particularly im?r????d with Mark’s li?t ?f ?h?r??t?r ?t?t?m?nt?.V?r? diffi?ult to ?ull ?ff, without ???ming arrogant ?r ??lf-?b??rb?d. Y?t h? m?n?g?? it.These Summaries ?h?uld inspire ??u. H?w does ??ur Summ?r? ??m??r??

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